Why do I feel so guilty? Time off work when your child is sick

Why oh why did I feel so guilty for taking two days off work to take care of my sick daughter? I’m lucky working for the NHS as I can use emergency parental leave days for when the children are poorly, which are fully paid. You can have up to 10 a year if needed, … More Why do I feel so guilty? Time off work when your child is sick

My boy misses me

So me and the hubby have been wondering why our boy has suddenly been playing up. It’s honestly like living with a teenager not a nearly 5 year old! The attitude has been unbelievable and he answers back wanting the last word in every conversation. It’s really taken us by surprise as parents and we … More My boy misses me

Working mum countdown day 10

<a href=”http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/13545693/?claim=f2sh96aejcs”>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>   I should be the happiest woman alive, I have a wonderful husband, am blessed with two gorgeous children and have a promising career.  Yet I’m sat here wondering what makes someone depressed. Why me. Is there something in me, my genes, that makes me more prone? Maybe it’s … More Working mum countdown day 10